
Enhanced crystalline cellulose degradation by a novel metagenome-derived cellulase enzyme

Celcm05-2: The camel rumen metagenome-assembled sequences and the predicted protein-coding genes have been deposited to the Integrated Microbial Genomes (IMG) database under the IMG dataset ID: 3300003523. link

  • a broader pH range

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Cell-free chemoenzymatic starch synthesis from carbon dioxide

  • C1 module (for formaldehyde production),
  • C3 module (for D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate production),
  • C6 module (for D-glucose-6-phospate production),
  • Cn module (for starch synthesis).

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Enzymes selectioin:
  • balance between conversion rate and enzyme yield.
  • inhibition between enzymes.
  • variants alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text