databases: PDB, Swiss-Prot

databases: PDB, Swiss-Prot

PDB database #

download #

  1. save this website as PDB - FTP Archive over HTTP.html
  2. extract pdbXXXX.ent.gz list
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# how many ent.gz file
with open('PDB - FTP Archive over HTTP.html', 'r') as file:
    html_content =
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, 'lxml')
text = soup.get_text('\n', '\n\n')
lines = text.split('\n')

PDB_id_list = []

for line in lines:
    if 'ent.gz' in line:
        PDB_id_list.append(line.split(".")[0][4:] #.split("pdb")[1])
# PDB_id_list[:5]
# ['100d', '101d', '101m', '102d', '102l']
Is’s not okay to extract id by .split("pdb"). Because pdb might be also the part of the id in some special cases, for example, pdb1pdb.ent.gz.
  1. parallel downloads
# split into 44 entry_i.txt file
length = 5000
count = len(df)//length
for i in range(43):
    subdf = df.iloc[i*5000:i*5000+5000]
    sublist =subdf["id"].tolist()
    string = ",".join(sublist)
    text = open('groups/entry_'+ str(i)+'.txt', 'w')

final_sublist = df.iloc[43*5000:43*5000+5000]["id"].tolist()
finalstring = ",".join(final_sublist)
finaltext = open('groups/entry_'+ str(43)+'.txt', 'w')

Obatin the batch-download script from Batch Downloads with Shell Script

cd /(your path)

for line in $(cat ./../groups/entry_list.txt); do
   ./../ -f ./../groups/${line} -p &

# while IFS= read -r line; do
#    ./../ -f ./../groups/${line} -p &
# done < <(grep "" ./../groups/entry_list.txt)

where entry_list.txt has entry_i.txt line by line.

$ bash > download.log 
Failed download is common when Shell script downloads large files simutaneously. Therefore, it is important to check whether the script has downloaded the complete and correct ent.gz files. For example, by gunzip *gz, the wrong .gz files will output unzip error. And then, this wrong .gz file should be removed and we need to download it again.

desciption #

At this moment, I download 218,546 PDB entries from PDB database.

Swiss-Prot database #

download #

UniProt provides the reviewed Swiss-Prot database.

Each Entry might (1) only have 3D structure from Alphafold Protein Structure Database; (2) only have 3D structure from PDB database

option1: directly download compressed prediction files for Swiss-Prot from Alphafold Protein Structure Database #

option2: manually download by Entry from UniProt #

  1. download proteins in fasta format.

description #

In UniProt, Swiss-Prot has 571,864 entries with its corresponding fasta file. 549,724 entries have 3D struture. And most (513,805) of these structure are from AlphaFold prediction.