Helpul python/pandas scripts

Helpul python/pandas scripts

So…, I find I used these codes a lot, and they are very helpful for effectivity.

Assign files into different folders #

Assuming I have 230 files in db_folder, and I want to copy these 230 files into different folders (folder0, folder1 and so on) with at least 50 files in each folder.

files_list contains names of these 230 files, like files_list=["file1", "file2", ..., "file230"]

import shutil
chunks = [files_list[x:x+50] for x in range(0, len(files_list), 50)]
# len(chunks) = 5

for i in range(53):
    chunk = chunks[i]
    newpath = "db_folder/folder" + str(i)
    if not os.path.exists(newpath):

    for j in chunk:
        src = "db_folder/" + j
        dst = "db_folder/folder" + str(i) + "/" + j
        shutil.copyfile(src, dst)

Copy files to a new folder #

import shutil
for i in files_list:
    src = "old_folder/" + i
    dst = "new_folder/" + i
    shutil.copyfile(src, dst)

Remove legend in Plotly #
