Website via Hugo Book and deployed by Github Action

Website via Hugo Book and deployed by Github Action

In Windows10, build personal website via Hugo-book and Github Actions #

This blog is about how to use Hugo to create the local website, and then deploy it on GitHub via Github Action. Everything is step by step.

Baked snailes

Prerequisites #

  1. Git
  2. Windows 10
  3. VScode
  4. Github account

Install Hugo #

  1. In Windows10, right click Windows Powershell and click run as administrator.
  2. Refer to How to install chocolatey in Windows to install chocolatey.
  3. Refer to Install Hugo on Windows to install Hugo by
choco install hugo-extended
  1. Make sure Hugo works well by
hugo version

and we will get the following

hugo v0.123.7-312735366b20d64bd61bff8627f593749f86c964+extended windows/amd64 BuildDate=2024-03-01T16:16:06Z VendorInfo=gohugoio

Create the website using Hugo themes #

For example, I want to locally work on my website in C:\myweb folder. Still in Windows Powershell,

  1. Navigate back to C: driver, and create a new folder by typing mkdir myweb.
  2. Create the website by
hugo new site Blogs
  1. cd Blogs
  2. git init
  3. Refer to Hugo Book Theme to use hugo-book theme by
git submodule add themes/hugo-book
  1. Till now, if we run hugo server, we will get a plain website locally.

In VS code, open Blogs folder.

  1. In C:/myweb/Blogs/themes/hugo-book/exampleSite/content.en/, copy docs folder, posts folder and file to C:/myweb/Blogs/content/.

Why I don’t copy the menu folder?
Because I found menu folder doesn’t work when I modified the website as I needed. We can customize the order of menus in leftbar by adding weight in the file. For example, in each file, the parameter weight determine the order of menues.

weight: 1
title: One file
  1. Run hugo server again, we will see a more well-done website.

Deploy on Github by Action #

  1. Create a public Github repository.

For example, if this repository’s name is Blogs, your website link will be like this

  1. Still in Windows Powershell, push your local work to this repository by
cd C:/myweb/Blogs
git add .
git commit -m "update"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin
git push -u origin main
  1. Visit your GitHub repository. From the main menu choose Settings > Pages. In the center of your screen you will see this:
  1. Change the Source to GitHub Actions.
  2. Click Configure as the highlight in this picture:
  1. Go to Host on GitHub Pages, copy the yaml file in step 6 to Blogs/.github/workflows/hugo.yaml, and commit changes.
  2. As Step8, Step9, Step10 in Host on GitHub Pages, the deloyment is done. 🎉

Update website #

Add more contents in C:/myweb/Blogs/content/ folder, and then git push to Github repository. Github Action will automaticaly update new contents in

References #

  1. How to install chocolatey in Windows
  2. Hugo with Git Hub Pages on Windows
  3. Using GitHub Pages with Actions to deploy Hugo sites in seconds - Tommy Byrd // HugoConf 2022
  4. Hugo Book Theme
  5. Host on GitHub Pages
  6. 【Hugo】hugo-book主题使用